There are 3 categories of subscriber to Croquet England. These are outlined below together with links providing further information and details of how to join:
Individuals <Further information>
Standard Associate – Playing members of Croquet England Affiliated clubs can register as a Croquet England Standard Associate at no additional cost.
Garden Associate – For those who are not a playing member of a Croquet England Affiliated club but are interested in the sport. They may play in the garden or at a venue with a croquet lawn.
Premium Associate – For those that are not a member of a Croquet England Affiliated club who want to take part in Croquet England tournaments or to take advantage of the additional benefits of being both a club member and Croquet England Associate. A discounted rate is available for those under 25.
Supporter Associate – For non-players who are interested in the sport.
Overseas Associate – For those living outside of the UK or Ireland.
Croquet Clubs <Further information> – For sports clubs whose primary function is croquet or, multi-sports clubs with a croquet section.
Partner Organisations < Further information> – For other groups that may make use of Affiliated Club facilities (eg U3A groups) or for organisations that may have croquet facilities for use by staff or guests (eg Hotels).